So after a washing fail with my diapers, Jaden got a crazy rash, and complained all about it. Butt paste and a disposable diaper seems to have quickly resolved that problem. But let me just say, this morning I realized just how much I hate 'sposies'. (I don't think Jaden likes them much either he's currently trying to frigure out what that thing is on his bottom. It's not a 'normal' diaper after all)
This morning, as I sat on the toilet, my husband shoted at me, 'Jaden pulled off his diaper last nigh.' I grumbled a little, bnt when I found my hubby and Jaden next, baby was squirming to get away from daddy whilee daddy was tryiing to put the diaper on backwards though he didn't quite realize it at the time.
I then looked in the bed... sure enough, soaking wet bed with a soiled diaper that had been pushed to the side. (Somehow Jaden's blanket which was at the bottom of the bed remained dry... don't ask mr how.)
Long story short... I hate disposable diapers.
Reasons why I love Cloth:
1. Great for sensitive baibies - This will always first and foremost be our number one reason for loving cloth. Our son Jaden has super sensitive EVERYTHING there for he reacts to almost all disposable diapers in one way or another. Jaden however does really well with cloth. Just make sure to use the appropriate detergents!
2. They can come in snap varieties! - I love snaps... Jaden has yet to figure out how to undo them, but he's been able to squirm out of velcro or even undo them for as long as I can remember.
3. Cheap - Okay so it doesn't seem like it as you buy them It seems that your pockets can never hold enough money for them, but then again, your pockets can never hold enough for sposies either... it saves you money in the long run to buy cloth. After all, you spend more than 200 dollars a year on sposies.
4. Environmentally friendly - I am not deep into this reason for CDing, but its a nice bonus
5. They come in fun colors and patterns! - Babies are so cuted when they crawl/walk around in nothing but a diaper... Cloth makes it even better!
Now if you excuse me... I have to reaattach a doaper to my child... again. Where on earth IS thatduct tape?
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