Saturday, August 31, 2013

gDiapers! How did I ever live without them!

Gdiapers are awesome.  They fall in the class of hybrid cloth diapers, but I think they are more like pockets the way they are set up.  This is a gDiaper and I use prefolds with them.  (They do have inserts that come with them but I like my prefolds!)

This is a gDiaper process.

1.  Collect your three separate pieces.  Cover (Blue); Pouch (White); Prefold/Insert (Tan)

2. Place your pouch in the cover.   As you can see each corner just snaps right in.

3. Fold your prefold into thirds.  (Step unnecessary if you use inserts)

4. Place your prefold into the pouch.  If you have a boy, make sure the bunched up part of the prefold is at the front.

(Front of the diaper)

(Back of the diaper)

(Flip side of the back)

5. Place diaper on your kid. (This is the inside of the diaper)

(This is what the back will look like once diaper is on.)

You can also lay another insert or prefold on top of the other insert for more absorbancy.
Tip:  Make sure the elastics are not tucked between baby bottom and prefold or you WILL leak.  (Sorry kid moves a lot so pics are blurry without flash [and with flash you can't tell what you are looking at.])

good elastic position

bad elastic position - this will likely how the diaper
naturally is when you put it on.

Now why do I like gDiapers?  Okay so its annoying sure to have to have different sized diapers for your baby's growth increases.  However, I find that the way they are designed with the snap in pouch is easier to conform around your baby's bottom and keep from leaking.  That's the biggest reason I enjoy them, because I feel like they last longer than prefolds and covers or most other hybrids.  Sure, if they get wet, the covers don't dry as fast as PUL covers, and you can't just wipe them if slightly damp. However in my experience, the covers still last longer because your cover is protected by the pouch.  If the pouch is soaked but cover isn't, you can still reuse the cover.  However, once PUL is completely wet or pooed, you are done.  At least this is my experience with the gdiapers.

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