Sunday, June 28, 2015

So its not Vegan but...

As you know, I SHOULD be keeping to a very strict diet.  Its no gluten, dairy, fish, or acid inducers.  One big thing with the last one that I have a problem with is meat.  So I eat what I call a mostly vegan diet... Or rather should be.  When I got pregnant with my daughter, I operated under the 'eat whatever sounds good' philosophy because my hyperemesis (morning sickness) was HORRIBLE.  I was throwing up all the time anyway, so hey.  If it sounded good, it was more likely to stay down.  So I haven't as of yet completely gone back to my mostly vegan diet despite being 6 months post partum.
However, I do have a healthier alternative that I prefer over beef that I can tolerate... Ground turkey!!!! Nowhere near as fatty, and much less 'acidic' than red meats.  And it tastes almost the same as ground beef.  We use it in spaghetti and chili and make our own 'sausage' with it.  (Basically we season it with sausage like spices)
And oh my gosh... I think I have in the past posted my beet sauce recipe...  Probably the most versatile thing in my kitchen.  Can use it in EVERYTHING seems like.  Anything that calls for tomato paste or sauce or similar, replace with beet sauce.

Oh one thing about beets... cook them with brown sugar to eliminate some of the earthiness, especially when using in place of tomatoes.
When I'm not half asleep from doing so many blog updates, I'll sift through my posts and see if I posted my beet recipe, and I'll post some recipes with my ground turkey and beet sauce...

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Cloth Diapers - They aren't bad, I promise

Sorry that it has been so long since I posted!

One thing that really bugs me now that I have two in cloth diapers is everyone likes to tell me their problems with cloth.  Some of these reasons include:

1. They stink!
2.  When you leave them in a hamper, they stink up the house
3.  Yeast happens/diaper rash happens a lot
4.  Its a lot of washing. 
5.  I could never rinse out diapers!
6.  All those pins! (This is usually the older generation who are really only familiar with the prefold style and you use pins to hold them in place)
7.  I can't figure out how to put it on!
8.  Special laundering instructions
9.  Expensive.  How can you spend all that money?
10.  Disposable diapers are so easy
11.  What about when you go out?  At least you can just throw disposables away!
12.  What if you get poop in your washing machine.

Of course there a million other issues with diapers people have... but these are the ones I most commonly get.  And yes I get with disposable diapers being a relatively new invention, (Many families with kids my age also have kids who were in cloth as well) there is still a lot of misconceptions about cloth diapers coming back.  But really, some of the above comments really are ridiculous! Here's my responses to the above:

1. They stink! - So do disposables!  Its not usually the diaper, its what comes out that stinks.  (And sure sometimes when you wash them, they still might not smell right, but usually that is because of build up, or because you have hard water... both are pretty easy things to resolve)
2.  When you leave them in a hamper, they stink up the house. - Get a hamper that closes, even go so far as to put a bag in said hamper! (We use trash cans)
3.  Yeast happens/diaper rash happens a lot. - Yes, it does in disposables too... Most of the time these rashes can be attributed to not changing a diaper quick enough.  But for the record, this also is the reason we switched TO cloth diapers.   Most, if not all, disposable diapers have some sort of powder in them, that causes rashes in sensitive kids.  Even the diapers that are labeled 'Sensitive' have this powder, albeit not as much.
4.  Its a lot of washing - True.  But its a lot of stink in a garbage can even with disposable diapers.  But even washing diapers still is cheaper than the cost of what you would spend buying diapers.
5.  I could never rinse out diapers.  - Admittedly it seems gross, but as moms, how many things have our kids done to us that are much worse?  Lots.  We've been thrown up on, pooped on, peed on, spat on, drooled on (possibly even into our mouths!).  All you have to do is spray poop off diapers or dunk it in the toilet.  Wow, so you wash your hands after.  If you've been thrown up on for example, you most likely end up showering AND changing your clothes, plus doing the same for the kid who did the throwing up.  And then there's the cleaning of the couch or wherever you happened to be at the time.
6.  All those pins! -  Yes, pins suck.  But good news!  They have come up with this lovely invention called snaps or even velcro that they put on diapers now!  And even though prefolds and covers stick, you still don't have to use pins with them!  They are called snappis, and the best thing ever!
7.  I can't figure out how to put it on.  -  Yes cloth diapers often require a learning curve (unless you use all in ones, then you put them on exactly like you would a disposable pretty much) but doesn't everything with kids?
8.  Special laundering instructions - People make a big deal out of 'use this detergent only,' but honestly if its a free and clear detergent, you can use it.  And like everything, you might find one detergent works better than another.  Some things might require air dry, but don't nice clothes as well?  (And diaper creams?  So you strip the diapers... most reasons you are using diaper creams you should be doing a stripping process on your clothes for anyway... Though most don't know they should.)
9.  Expensive. How can you spend all that money? - It seems expensive because you buy diapers in bulk and they can cost anywhere from 5 dollars (usually china cheapies which I do NOT recommend) to 40 dollars or more a piece. But in the end, you buy fewer diapers than you would disposables, and save a ton in the long run.
10.  Disposable diapers are so easy.  - Yeah, but so are cloth.  Like was mentioned before, it takes a learning curve, but after a couple days of constant diaper changes, you have it down pat.
11.  What about when you go out?  At least you can just throw disposables away! - Its called a bag.  You can even tie it up!  Oh my goodness, why didn't I think of that!
12.  What if you get poop in your washing machine. - This actually was one my hubby worried about when we started... Its the same as if you threw throw uppy clothes in the machine.  It washes out with the soap and then drains through the holes in the washer basket.

The answers are simple.  Cloth really isn't as bad as people make it out to be... And if someone chooses to cloth diaper, for heaven's sake respect their decision.  It ISN'T just a spur of the moment decision in families who successfully cloth diaper.
